Trailer Package

A promotion package for a new film to include a teaser trailer, a film magazine front cover and a poster for a film.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Movie Trailer Deconstruction (Swamp Devil)

I have decided to deconstruct the film Swamp Devi, this is because as a group we want to do a horror trailer featuring some sort of water creature.

The trailer starts with a woman on the phone to a man, could be a her boyfriend, husband or friend. They have dialogue between each other about the woman's father, she then heads down to meet the man that was on the phone. That scene then fades and it shows a sheriff talking to the woman about her father who keeps repeating that he's seeing a monster out in the woodland. The sheriff then says 'I should of locked him up a while ago, then none of this would of happened'. Hinting that something could of been done to stop this from happening.

The trailer then switches to a woman screaming in the forest, that scene then switches quickly to seeing her being pulled under the water in the woodland. The camera then pans around some woodland area showing the audience where it is set, but also showing that it is in a forest. The narrator then says ' There's a force of nature that you cant see coming'. He says this in a scary creepy voice, this then shows the audience that they wont know whats coming.

Again the trailer cuts to another scene, this shows three officers shining a torch towards the camera which is hidden in the forest. The woman appears and says to the man from the beggining ' You know something'. Scene changes again to a girl screaming in the woods but now its night time. The trailer then shows alot of scenes of people running from something or confronting it in the forest with guns.

After alot of build up the trailer then shows what the man has been hiding, its a creature from the swamp in the forest and its out to cause carnage. As the narrator says ' Its out to tear this town apart, limb by limb' as he says this you see the creature grab a mans leg and wrap part of its body around it. The scenes then change again really quickly showing 3 or 4 different people firing gun shots.

The woman from the very start of the film is then talking to her dad who says 'This whole thing started with me and is going to end with me!'. The action in the trailer then begins. We see people trying to confront the Swamp Devil or trying to escape from it. We see the sheriff from earlier on in the film dissapear being dragged away by the Swamp Devil. More gun shots go off as people try and kill it.

Then words come up on the screen that catch the audiences attention, the words say NATURE, IS THE ROOT, OF ALL EVIL. Then right at the end SWAMP DEVIL appears on the screen, this then fades as we see the woman from the end being ripped through a house wall and into the forrest by the Swamp Devil.

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